Restoring your Old Facebook Chat

Just recently, Facebook have updated their chat system. Most of us doesn't like it for the reason that the new Facebook chat is not so user-friendly. When clicking the Chat on the lower-right side of the monitor, it opens up and fully fills the right side of your monitor. Unlike the old Facebook chat system, in these new chat system, you cannot directly see all your online friends. Instead, what's on your list will be those friends you chat  the most and even their offline, you can still see them on you chat list. And you hiding your chat list more complicated since you are required to click on the settings button below and click Hide Sidebar.

Somehow, there is a way on getting back your Old Facebook Chat. Thanks to Greasemonkey developed by Anthony Lieuallen, Aaron Boodman and Johan Sundström, this is all possible. Greasemonkey is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox which was last updated last July 20, 2011. It allows you to customize the way a web page displays or behaves, by using small bits of JavaScript. This also works for Google Chrome. Here is how it is to be done.

For Mozilla Firefox:

1. DOWNLOAD Greasemonkey for your Mozilla Firefox if you are using Google Chrome or other browser while reading this.

2. If you are already using Mozilla Firefox while reading this, just click HERE to download then proceed immediately to step no. 4.

3. If you are using Google Chrome  in downloading this, locate where the download has been save. Click the file, Click Select program from a list of installed programs then hit OK. Click browse, find and double click Mozilla Firefox folder, then click firefox, then click another OK.

4. Your Mozilla Firefox will be opened and there will be a pop-up window, click install now. Then another pop-up of the add-ons window will appear, click Restart Firefox.

5. After restarting your Mozilla Firefox you can see this cute little monkey on the upper right side of your screen. This indicates that you have successfully installed Greasemonkey on your computer.

6. Now, Clike here to DOWNLOAD the script for your chatbox. There will be a pop-up like this then click install.

7. Restart your browser now and check your Facebook in Mozilla Firefox now. Boom! Your old Facebook Chat system is now back!

For Google Chrome:

Just proceed immediately to step 6 in installing Greasemonkey in Mozilla. You will see these pop-ups. Click install then another install.

Refresh your Google Chrome browser and go to your Facebook. Your Old Chat box is now back just like in the picture on step 7 above.

REMINDER: This will not be stack or saved on your account. Your old chat box will just be visible to the computer where you installed this.

The Green Solution, Green PCs

For the past decades, computer evolution is one of the remarkable advancement in technology. Since from the very first computer release in 1944 up to the present computers which are in the market today. ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) develop by John Mauchly and John Prosper Eckert was the first computer release in 1944. Computer has been modified and upgraded every year to suite to our personal and office needs. Nowadays, computers are equipped with high-speed processors compared to the very first computer released long time ago. Intel for example, had just recently released their 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family.  Built with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 and Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology. Extra Performance on Demand. Smart Multitasking. Somehow,  due to this rapid changes in technology have resulted in a fast-growing electronic waste around the globe. Electronic waste(E-waste) are electronic devices which have been disposed.  An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste is produced each year.

Green PC's have been introduced recently in the market. This has been marked as one of the solution for this so-called E-waste.  Userful MultiSeat Linux 2011™ is software that turns 1 Linux computer into 10 high performance independent computer stations. Another is the NComputing vSpace software which provides multiple end users with simultaneous access to a single operating system instance of either Windows or Linux. Another remarkable one is the SoftXpand 2011 which supports Windows 7 (Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate editions, 32 or 64 bits) and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems. Somehow this kind of technology has its limitations. This can't be used yet in a business like an internet cafe. This technology was not yet designed for gaming purposes. The process and transmission of data for games from each of these workstations is too heavy for this kind of technology. For now, this could only handle office and business applications/software which are commonly used in a company, school and other small businesses.

Today, the world is suffering crisis, not only economically, but also environmentally. This technology is really a big help to us. Turning 1 computer into 10 or more computer stations, how much savings could that be? A business, company, school can easily deploy large computer stations at a very low cost. A single PC with a very nice processor, video card and etc.,  nowadays, may range around P20,000-P40,000. See? This could be also seen as one solution to global recession. Through this every place in this world can help reduce not only in electricity bill, hardware and support costs and most especially in carbon dioxide emissions and electronic waste. An ECO Fact: Switching 1% of the world's PCs to Userful Desktop is equal to taking 26 million cars off the road.